Friday, October 30, 2020

My childhood days

I think my childhood has been one of the best memories I have. I could count thousands of things that I remember, since I have a very good memory and I remember things with many details. When I was little, my mother bought me a perfume in a store called "perfume me" and every time I pass by that store, that smell brings back wonderful memories.

One of my favorite memories was when my first dog came into my life, Manuelita. I was eight years old and she was very young, we were at my aunt's house and she arrived. When we got to my house, we put a blanket on her from her mother and she fell asleep with the smell of her, we definitely all shuddered with tenderness when we saw that scene. I also remember that the first time I took it I dropped it and I was very scared, but luckily nothing happened to it lol.

In addition, I remember that when I came home from school in the afternoon, I would sit on the sofa to eat cereal with yogurt and watch series on the cartoon networks channel while I talked with my sister about how funny they were, I remember that we saw the powerpuff girls, mansion foster , the magical godfathers.

Definitely, my childhood is one of the treasures that I will always remember with great joy.


  1. Thank you for sharing this! I also watched those cartoons back then!

  2. I would love to see a picture of your dog <3


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